VRx js.vrx.palo-alto.ca.us

Average Color of an Image using FFMpg

"The Bash script outputs basic information before and while processing. The process will take a reasonable length of time to finish. The version here uses two instances of FFmpeg to process the video. This is so progress feedback is displayed during execution. A simple single instance alternative is included in the 'Notes' section of the script, as well as ideas for showing progress while using this version. The script has not been updated since its initial creation and can probably be improved upon."
Stolen shamelessly from http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2018/09/ffmpeg-fapa-frame-averaged-pixel-array.html
# Create a 'Frame-Averaged Pixel Array' of a given video. Works by reducing
# each frame to a single pixel, and appending all frames into single image.
# - Takes: $1=Filename [$2=width]
# - Requires: ffmpeg + ffprobe
#   ver. 1.1 - 10th November, 2015
# source: https://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com

width="${2:-640}" # If no width given, set as 640
duration="$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 \
            | grep Duration \
            | awk  '{ print $2 }')"
seconds="$(echo $duration \
           | awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 3600) + ($2 * 60) + $3 }' \
           | cut -d '.' -f 1)"
fps="$(ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 \
       | sed -n 's/.*, \(.*\) fps,.*/\1/p' \
       | awk '{printf("%d\n",$1 + 0.5)}')"
frames="$(( seconds*fps ))"
height="$(( frames/width ))"

printf "$(pwd)/$1
___Duration: ${duration::-1}
____Seconds: $seconds
________FPS: $fps
_____Frames: $frames
_____Height: $height
____Filters: $filters\n"

# First instance of FFmpeg traverses the frames, the second concatenates them.
ffmpeg \
   -y \
   -i "$1" \
   -vf "scale=1:1" \
   -c:v png \
   -f image2pipe pipe:1 \
   -loglevel quiet \
   -stats \
| ffmpeg \
    -y \
    -i pipe:0 \
    -vf "$filters" \
    -loglevel quiet \

################################ NOTES #######################################

# Single line solution, but doesn't show progress
# ffmpeg -i "$1" -frames 1 -vf "$filters" "${1%.*}".png -y
# filters="scale=1:1,tile=${width}x${height}" # Used with single line version
# View ingest progress using: pv "$1" | piped to ffmpeg