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Javascript frameworks and libraries

Javascript frameworks and libraries

These parts are the kernel of JavaScript programming. Here you will find the core frameworks packages, the user interface libraries and layout managers needed to write anything. As proof, several JavaScript emulations of the desktop computing environment are found here as well.

frameworks qooxdoo - Framework, GUI, Ajax.
frameworks extjs - Widgets, charting, drag and drop, windowing, mobile.

Packages that give the core functionality all this stuff is built on.

ui zorn - Drag N Drop, Charting, Tooltips ui rico
ui layout -  managers ui ix ui jqportal

User interface libraries. Collections of widgets you can build a complete user interface from.

desktops jdesk - <-- Click hereJavaScript Desktop desktops aero - JavaScript Windows 7 aero interface desktops window2-
desktops OS.js - Javascript desktop Operating Sysem desktops jquery desktops ExtTop

Javascript desktop Operating Sysem

These simulate the Windows/Mac desktop, all in javascript.