VRx js.vrx.palo-alto.ca.us

This is supposed to be the real one

This is supposed to be the real one
Here's the previous one

So far I've used it to make this.

  1. Properties
    1. all are text objects or picture objects
    2. multiple layers - layers can be masks
    3. max 1 text and picture object par layer
    4. all featurs that can apply to all objects, do
  2. additional properties unique to text
    1. font
    2. weight
    3. kerning
    4. etc.
  3. UI Elements
    1. simple table of buttons can be used to select layer
    2. HTML5 Sliders used for everything that can be.
    3. HTML5 Color picker w/ gradients
text align (a picture attribute, not
a text atribute; desfirbes all text within a container)
box shadow

So, this yieds three UI items: a color picker, a range slider
and an on off button. anything more than on off can get a range slider

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10


Start End


ui must let you select layer, then select and alter properties of the text and picture in each layer as well as change the ordering of layers.

and it should look something like this:

Maybe even like this. Sort of.

Or maybe this.

Or this.